Undermining Israel

While relentlessly pursuing a nuclear deal that will greatly endanger Israel’s security, President Barack Obama has more quietly aligned the United States with growing global efforts to undermine the Jewish State’s legitimacy. As the State Department has announced, the administration will not enforce provisions of the “fast-track” trade bill that Obama signed into law requiring …

Supreme Irony

Those in America’s foreign policymaking circles who are concerned about the emerging U.S.-led nuclear agreement with Iran are increasingly pinning their hopes not on Washington changing its negotiating posture but, instead, on Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei walking away from the table. They’re doing so for two reasons. First, with President Barack Obama and his …

Another Day, Another Cave

If, as Marx taught, history repeats itself “first as tragedy, then as farce,” then Washington’s latest reported concession proves that U.S.-led nuclear negotiations with Iran have moved from the tragic to the farcical. After all, those negotiations have been driven overwhelmingly by fears that, despite Tehran’s denials, its nuclear program is designed for military, not …

Get Ready to Scrap the Iran Nuclear Talks

“Interviews with scientists is completely out of the question and so is inspection of military sites,” Abbas Araqchi, Iran’s senior negotiator on its nuclear program, announced on state television on Saturday, just as Secretary of State John Kerry was conferring with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a final push to meet the June …

Iran nuke deal makes no sense with ayatollah threatening US, Israel

WASHINGTON – “Of course, yes, death to America,” Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei declared just last month, echoing the crowd chants as he marked the Persian new year. Seeking to turn the recent nuclear accord into a final deal, President Obama says he hopes a deal “ushers a new era in U.S.-Iranian relations,” with the …