Europe can matter more in global affairs. The issue is less “leadership” than “effectiveness”

[This is a guest commentary in the run-up to Friends of Europe’s annual State of Europe 2014, to be held on October 9th. It examines one of the sessions of the daylong programme of discussions. This and other hot-button issues will be discussed by leading policymakers, thinkers, business leaders and journalists. Read more.] As a …

Putin’s aggression won’t be stopped by sanctions

WASHINGTON — The president sets U.S. foreign policy but, with regard to Ukraine, Congress has an opportunity to push the United States in a more fruitful direction by approving bipartisan legislation from the Senate that would give Kiev $350 million in military aid to help it fend off Moscow’s advances. Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who dreams …

What Obama Should Tell America (But Likely Won’t)

My fellow Americans: I want to speak with you tonight about an issue of vital national security, and that’s the challenge presented by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria – the radical terrorist organization that has seized a vast amount of territory in those countries, and that has threatened to attack the United States. …

Hamas: The Middle East’s Other ‘Cancer’

In the photo, Daniel Tragerman stands proudly next to his Lego tower. He wears a blue-and-white Lionel Messi jersey, dark shorts and sandals; brown bangs tickle his forehead, and he looks at us with a charming half-smile. He seems, like most four-year-olds, soft, innocent and irresistibly huggable. But neither his parents nor grandparents will hug …