Israel’s survival depends on destroying Hamas’ ability to terrorize

WASHINGTON – Though Israel should never carelessly ignore U.S. pressure, it nevertheless must resist current U.S. efforts to impose a cease-fire on the Israel-Hamas conflict while Israel remains besieged by rockets and tunnels. To be sure, the United States has provided Israel with vital military, economic and diplomatic support since its founding after World War …

U.S. can’t allow an active new terrorist state to menace global security

WASHINGTON – U.S. counterterrorism policy revolves around efforts to prevent the creation of terrorist safe havens, such as the one al-Qaida enjoyed in Afghanistan, that enable terrorists to attack the West. That’s why U.S. officials worry about “failed states” in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere, and why U.S. forces launch drone strikes on the …

Follow Stephen Harper’s Lead

“The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification,” the nation’s leader said this week. “It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.” He added, “Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists …

What FDR Can Teach Obama About American Leadership

The poll numbers are undeniable. Disillusioned by Afghanistan and Iraq, focused on domestic concerns, Americans increasingly want their nation to reduce its global footprint and stop trying to solve the problems of others. A cautious, poll-driven President Obama responds predictably, defining America’s global interests more narrowly and eschewing calls to address humanitarian horror, protect human …

Don’t Be Fooled by the Hamas-Fatah Union

The new Palestinian unity government of Fatah and Hamas puts the lie to fundamental assumptions on which the U.S. approach to Israeli-Palestinian peace have long rested, most prominently within the Obama administration. Washington has long assumed that a two-state solution is attainable, that “land for peace” is the formula for success, that the key remaining …