3 Lessons From the Fall of the Berlin Wall

A quarter-century ago this month, East Germany’s communist leaders announced they were opening the Berlin Wall in an act that, as much as anything else during that momentous year, symbolized the Cold War’s end. The anniversary is timely, for it provides history lessons that seem particularly relevant at a time when America is re-thinking its …

Putin’s aggression won’t be stopped by sanctions

WASHINGTON — The president sets U.S. foreign policy but, with regard to Ukraine, Congress has an opportunity to push the United States in a more fruitful direction by approving bipartisan legislation from the Senate that would give Kiev $350 million in military aid to help it fend off Moscow’s advances. Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who dreams …

What Obama Should Tell America (But Likely Won’t)

My fellow Americans: I want to speak with you tonight about an issue of vital national security, and that’s the challenge presented by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria – the radical terrorist organization that has seized a vast amount of territory in those countries, and that has threatened to attack the United States. …

Hamas: The Middle East’s Other ‘Cancer’

In the photo, Daniel Tragerman stands proudly next to his Lego tower. He wears a blue-and-white Lionel Messi jersey, dark shorts and sandals; brown bangs tickle his forehead, and he looks at us with a charming half-smile. He seems, like most four-year-olds, soft, innocent and irresistibly huggable. But neither his parents nor grandparents will hug …