While America Promotes Freedom and Human Rights Abroad, We Must Uphold Those Values at Home

Iran is hosting an “I Can’t Breathe” international cartoon exhibition, with seventy-two pieces from twenty-seven countries, mocking America for its racial unrest and portraying its leaders and police as Nazis and Klan members. In China, officials are blasting America for its racism while the People’s Daily, the communist party’s official newspaper, ran a cartoon of …

With autocrats on defensive, US has opportunity

Moscow detains nearly 1,400 protesters after a bloody crackdown and returns its most prominent opposition figure to jail after what he suspects was a state-ordered poisoning that put him in the hospital. Beijing hints that it will send its army to quell protests against Hong Kong’s China-backed government. For all their outward self-confidence, the governments …

China, Russia, Iran rise in Latin America as US retreats

In Latin America, a U.S. retreat that began under President Barack Obama has accelerated under President Donald Trump, creating a vacuum that China, Russia, and Iran are moving to fill. The most fruitful opportunity for those U.S. adversaries lies in the socialism-ravaged state of Venezuela, where each of them is jockeying for position, but opportunities …

Trump First, America Alone

The embarrassing spectacle of recent days, with President Donald Trump splitting with his intelligence agencies and a broad bipartisan consensus in Washington to deny that Moscow meddled in the 2016 presidential election, encapsulates an unprecedented array of problems in the making of U.S. foreign policy. They leave the United States in its most precarious place …

Trump’s Big North Korea Decision

President Donald Trump’s dismissive comments about the new United Nations Security Council sanctions against North Korea, contrasting sharply with the boasts of his State Department, reflect the harsh reality that a sanctions-driven approach to reversing Pyongyang’s nuclear progress seems increasingly problematic. That means that Washington is nearing a sobering decision: whether to “contain” a nuclear-armed …