UN’s Human Rights Council reeks of hypocrisy; US was right to leave

WASHINGTON – The Human Rights Council’s recent vote to investigate Israel for its response to “protests” on its Gaza border highlights everything that’s wrong with this hypocritical body, and why the United States was right to leave it. First, the vote reflects the council’s longstanding obsession with Israel, which has far more to do with …

Should the U.S. stop funding the Palestinian Authority? Yes

WASHINGTON — When Palestinian terrorist Rajaei Haddad was released from an Israeli prison on April 10 after serving 20 years for the murder of yeshiva student Gabriel Hirschberg in Jerusalem’s Old City, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was there to greet him while members of Abbas’s Fatah Party hailed him “a leader, a hero, and …

Mahmoud Abbas’ exit from the Palestinian Authority is long overdue

What’s more pathetic: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ latest blast of ugly anti-Semitism, or the hopes that the global community has long invested in him as a true Israeli partner for peace? If, as Albert Einstein reportedly said, insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” than U.S. and …

Hamas attacks Israel — and the world condemns Israel

The world “should wait for our great move,” said a top Hamas leader, speaking to Palestinian protestors during violent clashes with Israeli forces along the Gaza border, “when we breach the borders and pray at al Aqsa.” With hundreds around him chanting, “We are going to Jerusalem, millions of martyrs,” and with 20,000 Palestinians protesting …

Unconventional Wisdom in the Middle East

Recent events across the Middle East put the lie to one of the foreign policy establishment’s most enduring tenets of conventional nonsense: that Israeli-Palestinian peace is key to greater regional peace and stability. Sharing concerns over hegemony-seeking Iran and radical Islamic forces like the Islamic State group and Muslim Brotherhood, the key Arab states of …

Clearing the Path for Peace

Everybody knows that President Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem will derail Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts by tilting U.S. support to Israel, inflaming Palestinian passions and undermining America’s role as an “honest broker” between the parties. The only problem is that everybody’s wrong. In fact, once passions cool, Trump’s decision to align U.S. …