U.S. can’t allow an active new terrorist state to menace global security

WASHINGTON – U.S. counterterrorism policy revolves around efforts to prevent the creation of terrorist safe havens, such as the one al-Qaida enjoyed in Afghanistan, that enable terrorists to attack the West. That’s why U.S. officials worry about “failed states” in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere, and why U.S. forces launch drone strikes on the …

Follow Stephen Harper’s Lead

“The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts, for which there is no justification,” the nation’s leader said this week. “It is evident that Hamas is deliberately using human shields to further terror in the region.” He added, “Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists …

One-sided tactics show contempt for Israel

WASHINGTON – Recent Israeli-Palestinian peace talks raise questions as to why Washington invested so much in such a misbegotten venture, but they brought one salutary result – they laid bare the Obama Administration’s hostility to the Jewish state. Evidence of anti-Israel one-sidedness mounted as the talks predictably went nowhere and President Obama and Secretary of …

U.S. Can’t Bribe Israelis, Palestinians To Make Peace

“First as tragedy, second as farce.” It’s Karl Marx’s line about history repeating itself but, per the Jonathan Pollard trial balloon of recent days, the line could just as easily apply to America’s foreign policy. We need not debate the merits of Pollard’s release, for which supporters and detractors each can mount a compelling case, …

Barack Obama’s Got A Rosy Take On Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas

The U.S. focus on Ukraine has shifted attention away from this week’s remarkable set of exchanges, direct and indirect, between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that speaks additional volumes about Obama’s take on prospects for Israeli-Palestinian peace. That Obama has an unbalanced perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is hardly a …